"Like plants we get everything from earth - we came from it and we will return to it. Our connection with the element earth can teach us to understand this eternal cycle."
"Like plants we get everything from earth - we came from it and we will return to it. Our connection with the element earth can teach us to understand this eternal cycle."
We have consciously decided to abstain from TV sets in the rooms as we all spend too much time staring at screens in our daily lives. We suggest different forms of entertainment during your holidays. There is a large flat screen in our breakfast room that is available for all our guests. Get together for some public viewing and watch a soccer match together. In case you really want to stay away from the multi-media stream, use the time for some digital detox at COLLIS HILL Mountain Resort.
Free time?
Enjoy your free time and freedom in the East Tyrolean mountains while hiking or biking, skiing or sledging.
Just follow the call of the mountains!